Professional Tools for Spectrum Management Professionals
ERISYS RF Solutions provides professional hardware and software tools that are in use by the world’s leading Electronic Warfare (EW), satellite communication, and RF system teams to solve today’s most difficult spectrum challenges. Collectively we have over 100 years experience in Electronic Warfare and Spectrum Dominance. We understand our customers’ needs and can provide solutions to your most difficult RF problems.
What We Provide
Systems to capture and record the RF spectrum
Highest quality recording of the RF spectrum:
From a few MHz to 85 GHz
IBW from 2.5 MHz to 2 GHz
Long duration continuous recording from seconds to days (up to 120 TB)
Multiple channels with precise time alignment
Immediately analyze results – no need to transfer large data files
Unlimited post-processing including demodulation

ERISYS system control display
including real-time spectrum

Record and transmit multiple channels simultaneously
Software to analyze spectrum and automatically find signals of interest
In seconds view an entire multi-Terabyte recording using patent pending “ZoomOut™” technology
With a few mouse clicks “Zoom-in” to analyze signals to nano-second detail
Automatically find signals of interest
Extract signals of interest for detailed analysis, demodulation or to create signal libraries

Doppler shift, time delays and amplitude changes can be introduced in real time prior to transmission. Add doppler from +/-1 Hz to 500 MHz, time delay from pico-seconds to seconds and amplitude from +26 dB to -30 dB.
Tools to create realistic, complex, dynamic and reproduceable multi-channel test scenarios
Create multi-channel, long duration, high resolution, test scenarios of practically any duration and complexity
Combine real world RF environments with real or synthesized signals
Simulate link impairments, jamming, doppler, time delays, attenuation, and noise
Create dynamic flexible multi-channel Target Generators
Simulate Satellite links with true “horizon to horizon” modeling
Evaluate capabilities of different modulation and anti-jam techniques in the presence of real-world signals, noise and propagation
Simultaneously record test system stimulus and response with precise time alignment

Doppler shift, time delays and amplitude changes can be introduced in real time prior to transmission. Add doppler from +/-1 Hz to 500 MHz, time delay from pico-seconds to seconds and amplitude from +26 dB to -30 dB.

Add link impairments including gain, time delays, noise, and other real-world effects

Signal Linearization – Use FIR wideband filters to eliminate (or add) system non-linearities
What Do We Ask?
Explore our tools and capabilities using the above links and learn more about the tools we can provide to help you address your mission needs. Visit our download page to view data sheets and other information.
We have decades of experience with a wide variety of RF and electronic warfare system challenges. Give us an opportunity to listen and offer solutions.
Arrange for an in-person opportunity to demonstrate how our systems can help you solve your challenges. We can often arrange temporary loans of our software and equipment at your site without cost or obligation.