Professional Tools for Spectrum Management Professionals
ERISYS Signal Processing Tools
The ERISYS SigPro software suite provides Spectrum professionals with the capabilities they need to efficiently capture and record the RF spectrum, analyze spectrum and signals, create complex test scenarios, and compare EW system performance with design requirements when evaluated in a real-world environment. The ZoomOut™ toolset was developed over many years, based on input and feedback from a wide range of Electronic Warfare (EW) and other professionals who are responsible for solving the most difficult RF spectrum challenges. The tools are optimized for capabilities, ease of use, speed, and rapid time to answer when working with very large, often Multi-Terabyte IQ files. With the ERISYS software tools and SigPro analysis, recording and playback equipment, the time to answer can often be reduced to seconds or minutes vs. potentially hours or days using other systems.
Software Summary
The ZoomOut™ software suite consists of six integrated software applications, two of which have optional modules to enhance capabilities for specific applications. The software toolset, which will be described more fully later in this webpage, is as follows:

ZoomOut™ – Provides a wide range of capabilities for visualization, analysis, signal extraction and recording of RF IQ spectrum information.
ZoomOut™ – Radar - Provides additional signal analysis tools for Radar and EW Signal Analysis including enhanced visualization, pulse analysis, pulse search, and statistical analysis.
ZoomOut™ – PowerTools – Provides advanced signal analysis tools, Direct Digital Conversion (DDC) tools, and data format conversion to support third-party signal analysis software.
QuadVu – QuadVu provides enhanced spectrum visualization and analysis tools for up to four different IQ files. Compare recordings precisely in both the time and frequency domains. Can combine multiple IQ files to create complex test scenarios. It is commonly used to allow the SigPro system to function as a Threat Generator.
PIQ Compiler – Used to create sophisticated RF spectrum test scenarios. Can combine spectrum and signals in IQ form with signals in Pulse Descriptor Word (PDW) form. Used by customers who have extensive signal libraries in PDW form so they can use them to create real-world test scenarios.
MapVu - Used with time and geo-tagged IQ data that has been recorded using a SigPro system on a moving platform such as a vehicle or aircraft. Can be used to create “heat map” depictions of signal strength to aid in locating emitters. It can be used with a variety of types of base maps. Broadband recordings can be channelized to allow the creation of heat maps for different emitters using the same data set.
CellVu - Provides software tools for the analysis of modern cell phone signals including LTE and 5G. This includes LTE & 5G Physical Resource Blocks Analysis as well as the ability to calculate Channel Utilization.
R&S Control - Provides single point control for SigPro system that have Rohde & Schwarz FSW, SMW & IQW Test Equipment. Equipment can be remotely controlled and configured, which can save considerable time.
R&S Control - LiveVu - Displays spectrum data in real time during recording with display options that include variable persistence and waterfall presentations. Typically used to monitor recordings and verify settings, trigger levels, modes of operation, and capture quality before a recording session.
R&S Control - PDW Conversion and Streaming (to SMW) - Simultaneously provide up to six PDW output streams to R&S SMWs. Accepts a wide range of text based PDW formats and converts them into formats suitable for streaming to SMWs.
R&S Control - Advanced Triggering - Can start or stop recordings and provide precisely timed TTL triggers to external systems based on real-time detection of pulses matching a defined pulse duration and pulse power in an IQ stream. Typically used to start and/or stop recordings to capture critical events, creating blanking signals, and creating marker files.
R&S Control - Frequency Mask Trigger (Coming Soon) – When released, will provide capabilities like Advanced Triggering except filter criteria will be a user defined frequency power mask. Includes tools to aid in creating the masks.
The ZoomOut™ software suite, typically installed on either the ERISYS SigPro-2000B or -4000B system, provides high- speed access to captured IQ files during and after recording. This eliminates the time consuming need to transfer extremely large IQ files to a separate analysis system. The software, which operates on Windows 11, can also be used on separate signal processing workstations, typically to perform detailed analysis on smaller IQ files that have been extracted from a larger recording by the ZoomOut™ software.

Typical Hardware Configuration
The Spectrum Analyzers receive spectrum of interest and convert this to high-quality digital form, with up to 1 GHZ IBW per channel. Signal Generators convert processed digital spectrum to RF for transmission. The ERISYS SigPro-4000B or SigPro-2000B, optional ERISYS FPGA Enhanced Development System (SigPro-FEDS) and/or SigPro-Hypervault process the streaming digital I&Q information in real time using a combination of Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) and general-purpose processors. Systems can be configured with 360 TB or more of signal storage capacity. All intra-element signal information is transmitted using high-speed (100 Gbps) links.
Additional Details on the ZoomOut™ Software Suite
ZoomOut™ provides a wide range of capabilities for visualization and analysis of recorded spectrum information with files of any size. The software, typically installed on the SigPro-2000B or -4000B IQ routing processor, provides direct access to spectrum data during and after recording. This eliminates the time-consuming transfer of large data files prior to processing and dramatically reduces time-to-answer. The software is Windows 11 compatible and can also be used on separate signal analysis workstations which typically operate on smaller IQ files that have been extracted from large captures using ZoomOut™ software installed on the SigPro-2000B or -4000B. Capabilities include:
Visualization - Visualize an entire capture in a single frame, providing a “big picture” view to see trends and patterns. This visualization is typically available within seconds of completing a capture.
Analysis – Analyze signals to well below the nanosecond level. Examine details in both the time and frequency domains. Data can have any sample rate. Multiple simultaneous windows can provide macro and detailed views. Precisely measure signal parameters.
Extract and Store signals of interest for detailed analysis and to create signal libraries. Data can be stored in several popular file formats. Interpolation, decimation, and filtering are also available to allow signals from various sources to be combined into complex test scenarios

ZoomOut™ - Radar
The optional ZoomOut™ - Radar module provides additional signal analysis tools for Radar and EW Signal Analysis.
Visualization – Three-dimensional visualization and stepping in time and frequency domains.
Pulse Analysis – Powerful tools for analysis of radar type signals. Capabilities include waveform ID, recognition based on correlation, power events, quick pulse and quick pulse with power analysis, pulse width analysis, and time domain stepping.
Pulse Search – Flexible tools for finding signals of interest in large data sets. Some available search parameters include pulse width, power, frequency masks, fingerprint (correlation to a sample waveform), parameter defined exceedance searches, edge detection, threshold exceedance, and others.
Statistical Analysis – Characterize signals by a variety of characteristics including average power, pulse width variations, rise and fall times, peak power, PRI, PRI jitter, and others.

ZoomOut™ - Power Tools
The optional ZoomOut™ - Power Tools module provides advanced analysis tools, Direct Digital Conversion (DDC) and third-party signal analysis.
Analysis – Additional analysis tools include ZoomOut™ 3D Spectrum, and ZoomIn 3D Spectrum.
Digital Down Conversion (DDC) – Isolate signals in close frequency and time proximity. Extract IQ information for individual analysis. This capability can be very useful to isolate low power signals that are near high power signals.
Data Reduction – Segmented Memory Concatenation can be used to eliminate “dead time” between pulses, reducing file sizes by several orders of magnitude. Software includes Segmented Memory Data Read, Write, and OneFrame Analysis to re-create and analyze concatenated without loss of information.
Export – Convert signals in IQ form to formats for export to R&S VSE and MATLAB® Simply “draw a box around a signal of interest and export to VSE or MATLAB® including SCPI commands to perform the desired analysis, returning the results to ZoomOut™. Can be used very effectively without a detailed knowledge of VSE or MATLAB®.

The QuadVu software can simultaneously display and combine up to four IQ files. It operates on stored IQ recordings. Provides capabilities that are like ZoomOut™, but for up to four files at the same time.
Display – Up to four IQ recordings simultaneously.
Create Complex Playback Scenarios – Quad Vu’ s Spectrum Stitch allows users to combine multiple IQ spectrum and signal recordings to create a single wide-bandwidth file. Files can be of unlimited size and can contain a virtually unlimited number of signals, noise, and threats. Can be used as a Threat Generator.
Compare recordings – Compare multiple captures. Adjust each precisely in time to align features and compare details. Measure differences and place markers in time and frequency domains.
Time and frequency domain markers - Can be set. Align files in time by introducing precise delays. Place signals at desired frequencies by introducing offsets. Frequency offsets from 0 to the file bandwidth.
PIQ Compiler
The PIQ Compiler is used to create sophisticated RF spectrum test scenarios. It can combine multiple IQ files that typically include threat signals, recorded spectrum from different locations or times, etc. Signal information can be in PDW or IQ form. This software, typically used to create complex dynamic test scenarios, are stored on the SigPro-2000B or -4000B and transmitted for testing or operator training. Test scenarios can be of virtually unlimited duration and complexity. As many different test scenarios as desired can be created to facilitate quick complete characterization of systems under a variety of conditions.
MapVu creates “heat map” depictions of geo-referenced spectrum data that are typically recorded using a vehicle or aircraft. The software can use several different types of base maps. The spectrum information, when captured, is tagged in time and location. Broadband spectrum captures can be channelized to allow the creation of heat maps for different emitters using the same data sets.
CellVu provides software tools for the analysis of modern cell phone signals including LTE and 5G. This includes LTE & 5G Physical Resource Blocks Analysis as well as the ability to calculate Channel Utilization.
R&S Control - Frequency Mask Trigger (Coming Soon)
R&S Control provides single point control for Rohde & Schwarz FSW, SMW & IQW Test Equipment. Equipment parameters can be remotely controlled and configured to accomplish the desired functionality.
R&S Control - Live Vu
Live Vu displays spectrum data, in real time, as it is being processed by the SigPro-2000B or -4000B while being recorded, played back, or simply flowing through. Display options include variable persistence and waterfall presentations. Live Vu allows operators to verify setting, trigger levels, modes of operation, and capture quality before starting a capture and eliminates the need to view instrument displays.
R&S Control - PDW Conversion and Streaming (to SMW)
PDW Command Streaming (to SMW) can simultaneously send up to six PDW output channels to a single SMW (depending on SMW configuration). PDW Command Streaming can accept almost any text based PDW format and convert them into formats suitable for streaming to the SMW. Pulse formats include all pulse analysis results from ZoomOut. This software is typically used with customer-provided signal libraries to seamlessly create correctly formatted PDW playback streams for an SMW.
R&S Control
Frequency Mask Trigger operates on real-time signal information and on stored data. It is firmware that operates on the SigPro-2000B or -4000B FPGA. Users can create a frequency power mask and if a signal is received that violates the mask the system can be triggered to perform specific actions. Typical programmable actions include making an entry in a marker file, starting a recording, etc. Frequency Mask Trigger is a more sophisticated version of the basic pulse width and pulse power trigger capability supported by Advanced Triggering.
Please contact us to discuss your RF spectrum challenges. We can arrange an in-person demonstration at our facility or yours. We can also provide demo copies of our software without cost or obligation.