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ERISYS Ecosystem

ERISYS Provides the Key to RF Spectrum Understanding and Testing Systems in the Real-World


ERISYS provides a uniquely powerful system for capturing, recording, analyzing, creating, and transmitting RF spectrum and signals.  Designed by EW professionals for EW professionals, the ERISYS SigPro and ZoomOut™ system is designed to provide unmatched capabilities and rapid time to answer.  


The ERISYS SigPro system is custom designed and optimized digital signal processing hardware that was specifically designed and optimized for high-speed continuous capture, analysis, and creation of RF signals and spectrum.  The entire system is controlled from a single point using intuitive easy-to-use software.  Up to 1 GHz IBW spectrum recordings can be made up to 85 GHz for long periods of time.  The ERISYS ZoomOut™ software quickly allows signals of interest to be located and extracted for detailed analysis, demodulation, and creation of signal libraries. Complex dynamic test scenarios can be created combining real-world signal environments with test signals. The test system responses can be simultaneously recorded and compared to the stimulus to nano-second detail.  New test scenarios can be created rapidly, speeding development testing.

An overview of ERISYS products showing how they interact and relate to each other

A typical signal recording, analysis and playback system includes:

  • ERISYS SigPro-4000B or SigPro2000B

  • Optional ERISYS SigPro-FEDS (to provide additional FPGA signal processing)

  • Optional ERISYS SigPro-HyperVault (to increase number of external devices and signal storage memory)

  • One or more spectrum analyzers (typically R&S FSW)

  • One or more signal generators (typically R&S SMW)

The ERISYS ZoomOut™ software tool set was developed specifically to provide the capabilities needed by our customers who represent our nation’s leading Electronic Warfare (EW) and other RF professionals.  

How ERISYS hardware and software work together

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An example of how ERISYS products interact with Rhode and Schwarz spectrum analyzers and FSW systems

How ERISYS SigPro and ZoomOut™ systems work together:

  1. One or more RF spectrum analyzers, typically FSW systems manufactured by Rohde and Schwarz (R&S).  These are available with frequency coverage up to 85 GHz and IBWs up to 1 GHz.  The optimum model to use will depend upon the user’s applications.  To maximize system performance and reduce near and long-term costs, ERISYS systems are designed to work seamlessly with the high-end professional RF Spectrum Analyzers and Signal Generators from Rohde and Schwarz (R&S).  This eliminates the need and cost to duplicate the capabilities of test equipment you may already have.   The spectrum analyzer is used to receive a desired segment of the RF spectrum containing signals of interest.  The spectrum analyzer converts the spectrum to high-resolution high-quality digital form.  The digital spectrum information is provided via high-speed fiber optic links to the ERISYS recording, analysis, and playback system. The Spectrum Analyzers are controlled by the SigPro 2000B or 4000B using ZoomOut™ software.​​​

  2. An ERISYS SigPro 2000B or SigPro 4000B high-speed digital signal analysis platform.  The SigPro 2000B or SigPro 4000B can process the streaming digital RF spectrum information using a high-end, general-purpose processor and a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA).  The difference between the SigPro 2000B and the SigPro 4000B is the number of supported external devices (Spectrum Analyzers, Signal Generators, SigPro FEDS and/or SigPro HyperVaults). The SigPro systems have integral high-speed solid state data storage (up to 120TB).  Signal data is processed in real time using a patented ERISYS technique that makes it possible to, immediately after a recording is completed, to view the entire capture, independent of duration to support immediate signal analysis.

  3. The optional SigPro FPGA Enhanced Development System (Sig-Pro FEDS) provides additional Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) capabilities.  The SigPro FEDS can directly access the SigPro 2000B or 4000B signal recordings, eliminating any wasteful need to transfer large data files prior to processing.  The SigPro FEDS can, if desired, directly connect to Spectrum Analyzers and Signal Generators to support additional channels.  The SigPro FEDS is controlled by the SigPro 2000B or 4000B using ZoomOut™ software.

  4. ​The optional ERISYS SigPro Hypervault provides additional high-speed signal storage capabilities, up to 240 TB, with the option for RAID 0 or RAID 10.  The unit also provides additional high-speed fiber optic interfaces to support additional Spectrum Analyzers and/or Signal Generators.  The SigPro HyperVault is controlled by the SigPro 2000B or 4000B using ZoomOut™ software.

  5. One or more RF signal generators, typically SMW systems manufactured by Rohde and Schwarz (R&S).  These are available with frequency capability up to 85 GHz and IBWs up to 1 GHz.  The optimum models to use will depend upon the user’s applications.  The signal generators are used to convert digital RF spectrum information to RF signals for use as a Target Generator, Satellite Simulator, or other similar application.  Digital spectrum information is provided via high-speed fiber optic links from the ERISYS recording, analysis, and playback system. The Signal Generators are controlled by the SigPro 2000B or 4000B using ZoomOut™ software.

  6. ZoomOut™ software is used to control the entire system using one or more monitors attached to the SigPro 2000B or 4000B.  ZoomOut™ provides an unmatched comprehensive list of digital signal visualization, search, processing, and spectrum creation software tools.  A key characteristic of the ERISYS system is that the digitized RF spectrum information is directly stored in realtime on the system, processed directly on the system, and can be used to create complex dynamic text scenarios on the system.  This eliminates the need to transfer very large spectrum capture files to and from other system,;  an unnecessary step that increases time to answer in some cases to days instead of the seconds that are possible using the ERISYS system.

Why does ERISYS use high-end third-party Spectrum Analyzers and Signal Generators instead of building our own?

You can never beat a professional in his own trade”.  Many RF recording systems rely on their own “home-grown” receivers and digitizers or use receivers from third parties that were often developed for other purposes.  Inevitably this compromises performance, frequency coverage, instantaneous RF Bandwidth, and critically long-term support.  ERISYS does not believe in compromising performance. Warfighter lives and mission accomplishment depend on the systems that are being developed and tested using our equipment and software.  We use high-end spectrum analyzers and signal generators to complement our system because these devices provide the best performance available.  These commercially available systems provide wide frequency ranges, a wide range of selectable IBWs, low noise figures, and exceptional RF parameters. As suppliers release new systems with even better performance, these can be integrated into the ERISYS system seamlessly.  Our warfighters deserve nothing less.

For more information, please contact ERISYS RF Solutions for an on-site demonstration and consultation.

We have decades of experience in many aspects of Electronic Warfare, RF Spectrum Analysis, and threat generation

Erisys RF Solutions


Cage Code: 7KVA6

We can help solve previously unsolvable RF spectrum challenges

Erisys RF Solutions

13873 Park Center Road

Suite 130

Herndon, VA 20171-3248

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